Friday, July 17, 2009

What This Is

This blog is devoted to the 104 players that failed the 2003 MLB steroid tests. The premise is simple: submit a list of your 104. Who failed? Who was on the list?

Eventually, the names will surface (indeed, some already have). When that time comes, we can look at the guesses, and see who is right. At some point between now and then, we'll determine a prize. The more entries, the more likely we can create a great prize.

So think it through. Who was using? And who was dumb enough to fail, even when told when the test would happen, and that failing would lead to a real drug policy?

Submit here, or to

Happy guessing.

1 comment:

  1. Well, A-rod, Sosa, Bonds we know.
    McGuire we pretty much know.

    So there are 100 left.

    I'll guess Giambi, Pettitte, Sheffield, Palmeiro, and Clemens as my first 5.
